ESN Bigger Meals Ltd

Helping familes living on one meal a day to pull themselves out of extreme poverty

Total microfinance business loan borrowers:
Amount loaned to date (some borrowers repaid loans and needed additional loans):
US$ 7,739
Bad and doubtful debts:
US$ 104
Repayment Rate:
Children with severe malnutrition treated :
Children with severe malnutrition recovered :

‘In this new century, millions of people in the world’s poorest countries remain imprisoned, enslaved and in chains. They are trapped in the prison of poverty. It is time to set them free.’ — Nelson Mandela

ESN Bigger Meals is a not-for-profit, micro-finance company that focuses on freeing families surviving on one meal a day from extreme poverty by providing small loans to help them to start their own small businesses.. All borrowers receive free basic training on how to run their own small business successfully. Our borrowers do not need any collateral. They will just need to be excluded from the formal economy and accessing traditional financial services because of extreme poverty. Because our loans are probably the only chance many of our borrowers will ever get to pull themselves and their families out of extreme poverty many take their opportunities with both hands and work hard to realise their dreams. And so far, for the most part, that has been what we have seen. Then as their income and living standards improve they repay their loan so we can relend that money to the next family we find living in extreme poverty.

‘Poverty is the worst form of violence.’ — Mahatma Gandhi

Presently we are working hard to replicate Grameen Bank's highly successful Grameen-style micro-finance and banking model.

Below is a popular article one of our directors once wrote that provides a brief, but inspiring outline on how the Grameen Bank was founded and what it did that led to it's founder, Professor Muhammad Yunus, being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.


Some of our borrowers' children. From the left to right, Christopher, Angel and Bridget.
© ESN Bigger Meals Ltd

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Grameen Micro-Credit & How to End Poverty from the Roots Up

*The facts and figures in this article are updated regularly - Latest Update 7/3/21. Original Article By Paul Sinclair (One World One People) 29/10/03

"Unleashing of energy and creativity in each human being is the answer to poverty." Professor Muhammad Yunus.

Professor Muhammad Yunus was a highly respected Head of the Economics Department at Chittagong University, Bangladesh.

Grameen Bank

Grameen Micro-Credit is based on the premise that the poor have skills that remain un-utilised or under-utilised. It is definitely not the lack of skills, which make poor people poor.
© Grameen Communications

In 1974 a terrible famine gripped Bangladesh and skeleton like people began to flood into the capital Dhaka. This caused Professor Yunus to feel empty inside. He used to get excited about teaching how economic theories provided answers to economic problems of all types. But what were the use of theories when all around him, people were dying of starvation. Where did poverty fit into the economics equations?

So Professor Yunus decided to take a ‘worms eye view’ of a local village – Jobra, so he could learn about village life in person. The Poor would become his teachers and the village his university of the real world.

To contine reading...

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